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Team Sponsorships

Team Sponsorships

We offer several levels of sponsorship, enabling all players and teams to sip from the winner's cup.

Scenario Paintball and Airsoft tend not to have leagues and competitions like other, more traditional sports. For this reason, we generally don’t look at team rankings or match results to decide on sponsorship. Via Enola Gaye Canada, we sponsor individuals or teams based on their personas--i.e. their degree of popularity within their chosen game. It's not about the results: it's about you and your impact on your sport!

We offer several levels of sponsorship. For example, new teams and players looking for sponsorship can benefit from reduced pricing on smoke grenades, as well as free promotional gear and a selection of other goods that are suitable to the team. At the very top of our sponsorship program are select players or teams that have been involved with us and the Enola Gaye brand for many years.

To find out more about Team Sponsorship, please Contact Us